950 research outputs found

    Gonadotropin regulation of rat ovarian lysosomes: existence of a hormone specific dual control mechanism

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    Gonadotropic hormones PMSG (15 IU/rat), FSH (3 μg/rat), LH (9 μg/rat) and hCG (3 μg/rat) were shown to decrease the free cytosolic lysosomal enzymes during the acute phase of hormone action in rat ovaries. When isolated cells from such rats were analyzed for the cathepsin-D activity, the granulosa cells of the ovary showed a reduction in the free as well as in the total lysosomal enzyme activities in response to FSH/PMSG; the stromal and thecal compartment of the ovary showed a reduction only in the free activity in response to hCG/PMSG. The results suggest the presence of two distinct, target cell specific, mechanisms by which the lysosmal activity of the ovary is regulated by gonadotropins

    Anemia Detection using a Deep Learning Algorithm by Palm Images

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    Our aim is to detect anemia through a comparative analysis of three convolutional neural network (CNN) models, namely EfficientNet B3, DenseNet121, and CNN AllNet. A collection of 3,000 microscopic palm pictures, including 1,500 anaemic and 1,500 non-anemic samples, was used to train and test the algorithms. The dataset was preprocessed to balance the classes, augment the images, and normalize the pixel values. The models were trained using transfer learning on the ImageNet dataset and fine-tuned on the anemia dataset. The performance of the models was evaluated based on accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. The results showed that CNN ALLNET achieved the highest accuracy of 96.8%, followed by DenseNet121 with 94.4%, and EfficientNet B3 with 91.2%. The precision, recall, and F1-score also followed a similar trend. The study concludes that CNN ALLNET is the optimal model for anemia detection due to its high accuracy and overall better performance when compared with the different models. The findings of this research could provide a basis for further studies on anemia detection using CNN models, ultimately improving the accuracy and efficiency of anemia diagnosis and treatment

    Evaluation of anticonvulsant activity of aqueous extract of Adhatoda vasica leaves by MES model in rats

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    Background: Epilepsy is the commonest neurological condition affecting people of all ages, race and social class. The present study was taken up to evaluate the anticonvulsant effect of aqueous extract of leaves of Adhatoda vasica in rats. To evaluate the effect of aqueous extract of Adhatoda vasica leaves on maximal electroshock model in albino rats and to compare the effect of aqueous extract of Adhatoda vasica leaves with standard dose of Phenytoin on Maximal electro shock model.Methods: Anticonvulsant activity of aqueous extract of Adhatoda vasica was analysed using MES (Maximal electroshock) model. Phenytoin (25mg/kg) as standard for Maximal electroshock, and two doses of aqueous extract of Adhatoda vasica (100mg/kg and 200mg/kg) were used as test drugs. Parameters observed in MES were abolition of hind limb tonic extension (HLTE) and time taken to regain righting reflex.Results: In MES model, control group showed 0% protection and standard phenytoin group showed 100% protection. Aqueous extract of Adhatoda vasica at 100mg/kg and 200mg/kg showed 33.33% and 50% protection from seizures respectively. The mean duration of time to regain righting reflex was significantly reduced in Adhatoda vasica groups when compared to control group (p 0.05) were obtained.Conclusions: Aqueous extract of leaves of Adhatoda vasica has shown significant anticonvulsant action in MES model

    Effectiveness of Conventional Therapy with Capsular Stretching Versus Muscle Energy Technique in the Management of Frozen Shoulder - A Comparative study.

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    The shoulder is the most movable but unstable joint in the body because of the range of motion it allows. It is easily subject to injury because the ball of the upper arm is larger than the socket that holds it. To remain stable, its muscles, tendons and ligaments must anchor the shoulder. Shoulder stiffness is a poorly understood disorder of the glenohumeral joint and Frozen shoulder is a pathology of often unknown etiology characterized by painful and gradually progressive restriction of active and passive gleno-humeral joint motion (Baslund et al,1990; Pearsall and Speer,1998). The overall changes in pain, muscle strength, ROM, function and Satisfaction of Group A and Group B was obtained and that says there is improvement in both Groups. When we compare the mean ranks we can conclude that Group A is better than Group B in overall changes or improvement in the management of patients with Frozen Shoulder

    Anticonvulsant activity of Adhatoda vasica leaves by pentylenetetrazol model: preliminary evaluation in rats

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    Background: Epilepsy is a disorder characterised by recurrent seizures of cerebral origin with episodes of sensory, motor phenomenon with or without loss of consciousness. The present study was taken up to evaluate the anticonvulsant effect of aqueous extract of leaves of Adhatoda vasica in rats. Objectives of this study is to evaluate the effect of aqueous extract of Adhatoda vasica leaves on Pentylenetetrazol induced seizures in albino rats and to compare the effect of aqueous extract of Adhatoda vasica leaves with standard dose of sodium valproate on Pentylenetetrazol induced seizures in albino rats.Methods: Anticonvulsant activity of aqueous extract of Adhatoda vasica was analysed using PTZ (Pentylenetetrazol) model. Groups used were distilled water as control group, Sodium valproate as standard for Pentylenetetrazol and two doses of aqueous extract of Adhatoda vasica (100mg/kg and 200 mg/kg) for this screening model. Parameters observed for PTZ models were abolition of clonic seizures and time duration between injection of PTZ and onset of seizures.Results: In PTZ model, test group at 200 mg/kg showed 33.33% protection for abolition of clonic seizures, though not comparable to standard group. There was significant increase in the duration of onset of clonic seizures after PTZ injection in both test groups (at 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg) when compared to control group.Conclusions: Aqueous extract of leaves of Adhatoda vasica has shown significant anticonvulsant action in PTZ model

    Functional outcome of medial distal tibial locking compression plate fixation in distal tibial fractures: A prospective study

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    INTRODUCTION: Fractures of the distal tibia can be challenging to treat because of limited soft tissue, the subcutaneous location and poor vascularity. Fractures of distal tibia remain a controversial subject despite advances in both nonoperative and operative care. The goal in expect care is to realign the fracture, realign limb length and early functional recovery. Fractures of distal tibia remains one of the most challenging for treatment because of high complication rates both from initial injury and also from treatment. All these fractures are severe injuries. They are increased in frequency because of higher incidences of Road Traffic Accidents. Accounts to 1% of all lower extremity fractures, 10% of tibial fractures and bilateral in 0-8% and compartment syndrome in 0-5%. AIM: To Study and analyze the functional outcome of Distal Tibial fractures Treated by Medial Distal Tibial Locking Compression Plate in our Institute of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Madras Medical College and Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital Chennai over a period of May 2011 to November 2012. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective study analyses the functional outcome of Medial distal tibial LCP for treatment of distal tibial fracture depending on the type of fracture and to find out their prognosis. The study included patients who were treated in Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital with Medial distal tibial Locking compression plate for distal tibial fractures. The period of study was from may2011 to December 2012 with a total duration of 20 months. In this period patients admitted for distal tibial fractures with or without intra-articular extension were considered for this study. The mean duration from hospital admission to definitive surgery was around 10 days to 14days in cases of closed fractures. Inclusion Criteria • Patients willing to participate in this study. • Skeletally mature patients. • Ruedi and Allgower type – I, II, III fractures. • Only closed fractures. • Minimum follow up of 6 months. Exclusion Criteria - • Age less than 16 years and above 60. • Compound fractures. • Associated calcaneum fractures and talus fractures. • Severely mangled extremity. • Associated spinal and abdominal injuries. The total number of patients in this study was 30. RESULTS: Distal tibial fractures though amenable to open reduction and internal fixation carries a high risk of complication and a potential for redo surgery. The outcome of an injury is best judged by how much it affects the patients, deformity, impairment or loss of function. Ovoida and Beals considered “an excellent result to be pain free patient who has returned to all activities without limp”. A number of factors affect the outcome of distal tibial fractures. The single most important factor is the severity of the initial injury, which is indicated primarily by the amount of damage to the plafond and the impaction, comminution and the displacement of the fragments and the extent to which soft tissue damage have occured. Another is the extent to which reduction was achieved and also the postoperative complications. CONCLUSION: A short series of result of our study were analyzed and the overall results have encouraged us in preferring the surgical management of distal tibial fractures over conservative methods. Distal tibial fractures are to be internally fixed either within 24 hrs of the injury before the edema sets in or a delay of 8 to 12 days for the edema to settle down and the wrinkle sign appears. Respect the soft tissues: do not operate too early or through compromised skin, instead wait till the soft tissues is amenable for surgery. Restoration of the articular surface and reestablishing its relationship to the tibial shaft is the primary goal of treatment. Good functional result depends on reasonable anatomic reduction of the articular surface either by direct or indirect methods

    Maximization of length and lifetime of clustered industrial automation network

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    Osnovna funkcija mreža industrijske automatizacije - IANs (Industrial Automation Networks) je nadzor i upravljanje procesima. Općenito, čvorovi senzora koriste baterije kao izvor energije za upravljanje procesima. Svrha je klasteriranog IAN-a maksimiziranje vijeka trajanja senzorskog čvora poboljšanjem energetske učinkovitosti. Predloženi je sustav namijenjen primjeni radio modula s bežičnim prijenosom na daljinu gdje se razvođenje energije treba znatno smanjiti. U radu se daje prikaz djelovanja primjene prikrivenih (spavajućih) mehanizama u prijenosu fizičke varijable iz industrujskog područja u baznu stanicu gdje postoji regulator. Broj prijenosa zbog primjene agresivnog prikrivenog ponašanja uspoređen je s pristupom uobičajenom prikrivenom ponašanju (sleeping behavioral approach). Energija koju troši komunikacijska mreža uvelike ovisi o broju prijenosa. Prema tome se vijek trajanja mreže može maksimalno produžiti minimiziranjem energije potrošene za prijenos.The main function of industrial automation networks (IANs) is to monitor and control processes. In general, the sensor nodes utilize batteries as an energy source to control processes. The clustered IAN aims at maximizing the lifetime of the sensor node by improving the energy efficiency. The proposed system is targeted for utilization of the long distance wireless transmission radio modules where the energy distribution needs to be reduced to a greater extent. This paper presents the impact of adopting sleeping mechanisms in transmitting a physical variable from the industrial area to the base station where the controller is present. The number of transmissions that occurs due to the application of aggressive sleeping behaviour has been compared to the normal sleeping behavioural approach. The energy spent by the network for communication greatly depends on the number of transmissions. Hence, the network lifetime can be maximized by minimizing the energy spent for transmission

    Assessment of Safety and Interference Issues of Radio Frequency Identification Devices in 0.3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate two issues regarding magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) including device functionality and image artifacts for the presence of radio frequency identification devices (RFID) in association with 0.3 Tesla at 12.7 MHz MRI and computed tomography (CT) scanning. Fifteen samples of RFID tags with two different sizes (wristband and ID card types) were tested. The tags were exposed to several MR-imaging conditions during MRI examination and X-rays of CT scan. Throughout the test, the tags were oriented in three different directions (axial, coronal, and sagittal) relative to MRI system in order to cover all possible situations with respect to the patient undergoing MRI and CT scanning, wearing a RFID tag on wrist. We observed that the tags did not sustain physical damage with their functionality remaining unaffected even after MRI and CT scanning, and there was no alternation in previously stored data as well. In addition, no evidence of either signal loss or artifact was seen in the acquired MR and CT images. Therefore, we can conclude that the use of this passive RFID tag is safe for a patient undergoing MRI at 0.3 T/12.7 MHz and CT Scanning

    RSS Based Energy Efficient Scheme for the Reduction of Overhearing and Rebroadcast for MANET

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    AbstractIn MANET, reducing the amount of overhearing and rebroadcast based on Received Signal Strength (RSS) value can reduce the energy consumption. A cross layer framework is designed by combining the physical, MAC and network layer. In order to reduce the energy consumption, 802.11 PSM is integrated with DSR. Overhearing in DSR will improve the routing efficiency by expending some amount of energy. The main causes for energy consumption are unconditional overhearing and unnecessary rebroadcast of RREQ to the nodes which are having less Received Signal Strength (RSS). Here, RSS is used to predict the mobility of nodes. The less value of RSS indicates that the nodes are far away from the sender and this may lead to many path breakages. Probability of overhearing reduction (POR) is determined in order to limit the amount of hearing for the unicast packets. The proposed mechanism R-ROR avoids unnecessary overhearing and rebroadcast using cross layer design aiming to achieve energy consumption. Rebroadcast based on the RSS can reduce the number of path breakages, energy consumption and overhead. Simulation results are compared for Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), energy consumption and delay. The analysis shows that R-ROR is energy efficient compared to 802.11, 802.11PSM, ODPM and RandomCast